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About me

Jane Collison

Like most therapists, my own health journey led me to want to help others. I've been passionate about eating good food all my life - probably because of my childhood coeliac diagnosis. I've been learning about diet and nutrition since my 20s; I've worked in natural health in various ways since 1997 - I've even owned a health food shop. Then I met Kinesiology in 2013 and it transformed my health and so changed my life. That's why I went on to train as a Kinesiologist and why I now teach others - so that this superpower continues to grow and grow. 


In my spare time, I love sea kayaking and paddleboarding, as well as yoga. I live with husband Ian and cat Lulu in Weymouth, Dorset. 

Jane Collison kinesiology massage healing

When I first met Kinesiology in 2013, I was mind-blown by the muscle testing but, more importantly, the work and advice transformed my health. I lost 2.5 stone - which I've never put back on. And I had more energy so I could do the things I love. Cravings stopped and low moods became infrequent. I was totally hooked! And I began to feel so healthy and strong, I even went back to offering Aromatherapy Massage - which I absolutely love to give.


I started Kinesiology training in January 2015 and I'm so thrilled to now teach Foundation and Diploma on behalf of the Kinesiology Association. I'm the only accredited teacher in Dorset and I teach in very small groups - usually in my clinic room. 


My current fascination is with energy work. We are energy and we are all energetically connected. I love to work with Vibrational or Flower Essences. They give so much insight and support to the emotional and energetic aspects of symptoms and which are nearly always an important part of clients' healing.


I'm attuned to Rahanni Celestial Healing and bring hands-on healing into all my work.


Equilibre Health

5 Westhill Close




© 2024 by Jane Collison

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