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Health Articles

Jane Collison
Jul 16, 2024
Medicinal mushrooms (mycotherapy)
I've just added this range of mushroom tinctures to my pharmacopoeia. The chemical compounds in mushrooms have been used for centuries in...

Jane Collison
Jun 10, 2024
My grain-free bread recipe
This "bread" is delicious straight from the oven and slathered in butter! It's also great toasted. I make two loaves at a time and wrap...

Jane Collison
Aug 5, 2023
Gratitude is a healing feeling
What we focus on, we get more of. It's a simple fact. If you are busy looking for the wood, you will miss seeing the beauty of the trees....

Jane Collison
Aug 1, 2023
Benefits of resistance or weight training
Well, there's a blog post title I never thought I'd be writing! Especially at the age of 58! But a recent sequence of events has led me...

Jane Collison
Jul 30, 2023
My Osteoporosis journey
In early 2023, I was diagnosed with Osteoporosis. This means the bones of my lower spine are losing density faster than normal for my...
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